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Published onOct 20, 2018

We are indebted to many people for getting Data Feminism to this point. At the MIT Press, Gita Manaktala has provided crucial editorial guidance. Catherine Ahearn has devoted countless hours to creating the draft that appears on this site. Nhora Lucia Serrano and Kyle Gipson have also provided invaluable editorial assistance.

We are grateful to our our student research assistants, Izii Carter at Emerson College, who compiled the metrics that appear in our values statement, and Zoe Wangstrom at Georgia Tech, who compiled information about the images that appear in this draft.

We would also like to thank David Weinberger, who first solicited the project, and who reviewed multiple drafts of our book proposal; Patsy Baudoin, who has offered feedback on many phases of the project; Alison Booth and Liz Losh, whose endorsement of the project has enabled it to advance; our colleagues and friends who have read and commented on portions of this manuscript; and the institutions which have extended us invitations to talk about our work, and offered their own thoughts and ideas.

We are grateful to our partners, our children, and their grandparents and caregivers, who have given us the time to write.

We would also like to thank the activists, journalists, artists, scholars, and teachers whose work we describe in this book. It remains an inspiration.

Data Feminism is supported by a 2019-2020 ACLS Collaborative Fellowship.

Image: Emily & Rahul Bhargava, youth, staff and volunteers at Groundwork Somerville, who all participated in creating a data mural in their community garden.

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